New Patient Packet Step 1 of 8 12% Name(Required)D.O.B(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Age(Required)Email(Required) Gender(Required) Male Female Primary Language(Required)Translator Needed Yes No Purpose of initial visit(Required)Weight(Required)Height(Required)Name of preferred pharmacy?Location / PhonePAST MEDICAL HISTORYDo you now and ever had: Diabetes High blood pressure High cholesterol Hypothyroidism Goiter Cancer Leukemia Psoriasis Angina Heart Problems Sleep apnea Heart murmur Pneumonia Pulmonary embolism Asthma Emphysema Stroke Epilepsy (seizures) Cataracts Kidney disease Kidney stones Crohn's disease Colitis Anemia Jaundice Hepatitis Stomach or peptic ulcer Rheumatic fever Tuberculosis HIV/AIDS PID Other medical conditions (please list):Surgery / Procedures History:(check all that apply) Appendix Bladder Suspension Blood vessel surgery Arteries Veins Cesarean Section Colon / Rectal surgery Dental surgery Ear surgery Eye surgery Gallbladder Heart Procedure / Surgery Bypass Heart valve surgery Cardiac Ablation Angioplasty (balloon) Cardiac Stent Defibrillator Pacemaker Hernia Repair Hysterectomy Complete Hysterectomy Partial Joint replacement / Orthopedic surgery Ankle Back Knee Neck Shoulder Wrist Kidney surgery Organ transplant Prostate surgery Thyroidectomy Sinus surgery Tonsils and / or adenoids Tubal Ligation Vasectomy Aesthetics / Plastic surgery Have you ever had a blood or blood products transfusion ? Yes No if so, when was last transfusion:(Required)Please list any hospitalizations in the past:(Required) FAMILY MEDICAL HISTORY Adopted Unknow history Mother living Father living please check if your family member had any of the conditions below:SOCIAL HISTORYWhere were your born & raised ?(Required)What is your highest education ?(Required) High school Some college College graduate Advanced degree Marital status(Required) Never married Married Divorced Separated Widowed Partnered/significant other What is your current and past occupation?(Required)Are you currently working ?(Required) Yes No Hours/week(Required)If not, are you(Required) retired disabled sick leave SOCIAL HISTORY SAFETYDo you wear a seat belt ? Yes No Do you wear a bike helmet ? Yes No Do you have a working smoke detector in your home ?(Required) Yes No Is there a gun in your home ?(Required) Yes No Is it unloaded and out of reach of children ?(Required) Yes No Have on Organ Donor Card ? Yes No Do you have a living Will or advance Directive for Healthcare ? (if yes please provide copy to office) Yes No Do you smoke?(Required) Currently Past Never packs/dayfor many yearsQuit Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Other nicotine use such as smokeless tobacco or vaping Yes No Exposure to second hand smoke? Yes No Marijuana Yes No Do you drink alcohol? Beer Wine Liquor No How many drinks per week?How many caffeinated beverages per day?Beverages Coffee Tea Sodas Energy Supplements Recreational drug use? Yes No Do you exercise regularly? Yes No how many times per week?(Required)Type of exercise:(Required)How many hours of sleep do you get per night?Do you wake feeling well rested? Yes No SOCIAL HISTORY Sexual History Sexually active currently ?(Required) Yes No How many partner in last 5 years ?(Required)Partner(s) is/are/have been: Male Female Both Birth control method: None Condom Pill/Ring/Patch/Injection UID Tubal Ligation Vasectomy Have you ever experienced ? Sex with an IV drug user ? Yes No Sex with a person with HIV/AIDS ? Yes No Sex while using drugs ? Yes No Sex for drugs / money ? Yes No Ever been a victim of sexual assault ? Yes No Do you feel safe in your home ? Yes No Are you in a relationship which you have been physically hurt ? Yes No Do you ever feel afraid of your partner ? Yes No Are you from or have you traveled to a part of the world with a high TB prevalence ? Yes No if yes, please explain(Required)Have you been in contact with persons with confirmed TB ? Yes No if yes, please explain(Required)Are you in contact with any of the following persons ?Homeless persons ? Yes No IV / Street drug users ? Yes No Institutional / incarcerated person ? Yes No Migrant farm workers ? Yes No HIV+ person ? Yes No Resident of nursing homes ? Yes No Any yes, please explainPreventative Care History (Date of last) :Complete Physical MM slash DD slash YYYY Dental Exam MM slash DD slash YYYY Breast Exam MM slash DD slash YYYY Eye Exam MM slash DD slash YYYY TB Test MM slash DD slash YYYY Hearing Test MM slash DD slash YYYY Bone density (DEXA) Exam MM slash DD slash YYYY Cholestrol Check MM slash DD slash YYYY Check for blood in stool MM slash DD slash YYYY Mammogram MM slash DD slash YYYY Prostate Exam MM slash DD slash YYYY PAP Smear MM slash DD slash YYYY Vaccination History (Immunization Year) :COVIDFluHepatitis BPneumoniaTetanusShingles RREVIEW OF BODY SYSTEMSIn the past month, have you had any of the following problems ?GENERAL Recent weight gain Recent weight loss Fatigue Weakness Fever Night sweats NERVOUS SYSTEM Headaches Dizziness Fainting or loss of consciousness Numbness or tingling Memory loss STOMACH AND INTESTINES Nausea Heartburn Stomach pain Vomiting Yellow jaundice Increasing constipation Persistent diarrhea Blood in stool Black stools PSYCHIATRIC Depression Excessive worries Difficulty falling asleep Difficulty staying asleep Difficulties with sexual arousal Poor appetite Food cravings Frequent crying Sensitivity Thoughts of suicide / attempts Stress Irritability Poor concentration Racing thoughts Hallucinations Rapid speech Guilty thoughts Paranoids Mood swings Anxiety Risky behavior MUSCLE JOINTS BONES Numbness Joint pain Muscle weakness Joint swelling EARS Ringing in ears Loss of hearing EYES Pain Redness Loss of vision Double or blurred vision Dryness SKIN Redness Rash Nodules bumps Hair loss Color changes of hands or feet THROAT Frequent sore throats Hoarseness Difficulty in swallowing Pain in jaw HEART AND LUNGS Chest pain Palpitations Shortness of breath Fainting Swollen legs or feet Cough Blood Anemia Clots KIDNEY / URINE / BLADDER Frequent or painful urination Blood in urine Leakage of urine Women only:Date of LMP MM slash DD slash YYYY Number of days between cyclesLength of periodAge onset first periodAge of menopausePMSPelvic PainAbnormal PapTreatmentIrregular PeriodsBleeding between periodsVaginal DrynessVaginal DischargeAge of first pregnanciesTotal number of pregnanciesAbortions / MiscarriagesTotal number live birthsLive children now Do you have any ALLERGIES?Drug Allergies Aspirin NSAIDS Penicillin Sulfa Contrast Dye Iodine None Food Allergies Peanuts Soy Wheat Tree Nuts Shellfish Fish Strawberries None Environmental Allergies Latex Bees Wasps Cats Dogs Grass Pollen None Do you take any medications or supplements on a daily basis? If yes please list below:Name Add RemoveStrength Add RemoveHow Often ? Add RemoveSUBSTANCE USEALCHOHOL (Do you currently use this ?) Yes No Age when you first used this ?How much & how often did you use this ?How many years did you use this ?When did you last use this ?CANNABIS (Marijuana, Hashish, Hash oil) Yes No Age when you first used this ?How much & how often did you use this ?How many years did you use this ?When did you last use this ?STIMULATION (Cocaine, crack) Yes No Age when you first used this ?How much & how often did you use this ?How many years did you use this ?When did you last use this ?AMPHETAMINES/OTHER STIMULATIONTS (Ritalin, Benzedrine, Dexedrine) Yes No Age when you first used this ?How much & how often did you use this ?How many years did you use this ?When did you last use this ?BENZODIAZEPINES/TRANQUILIZERS (Valium,Librium,Halcion,Xanax,Diazepam,'Roofies') Yes No Age when you first used this ?How much & how often did you use this ?How many years did you use this ?When did you last use this ?SEDATIVES/HYPNOTICS/BARBITURATES(Amytal,Seconal,Dalmane,Quaalude,Phenobarbital) Yes No Age when you first used this ?How much & how often did you use this ?How many years did you use this ?When did you last use this ?HEROIN Yes No Age when you first used this ?How much & how often did you use this ?How many years did you use this ?When did you last use this ?STREET OR ILLICIT METHADONE Yes No Age when you first used this ?How much & how often did you use this ?How many years did you use this ?When did you last use this ?OTHER OPIOIDS(Tylenol #2 & #3, 282's, 292's, Percodan, Percocet, Opium, Morphine, Demerol, Dilaudid) Yes No Age when you first used this ?How much & how often did you use this ?How many years did you use this ?When did you last use this ?HALLUCINOGENS (LSD, PCP, STP, MDA, DAT, mescaline, peyote, mushrooms, ecstasy (MDMA), nitrous oxide) Yes No Age when you first used this ?How much & how often did you use this ?How many years did you use this ?When did you last use this ?INHALANTS (Glue, gasoline, aerosols, paint thinner, poppers, rush, locker room) Yes No Age when you first used this ?How much & how often did you use this ?How many years did you use this ?When did you last use this ? PATIENT HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE-9Over the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems ?Please tick the number to indicate your answer.If you have circled any of these problems, how diffcult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with other people ? Not difficult at all Somewhat difficult Very difficult Extremely difficult Generalized Anxiety Disorder 7-item (GAD-7) scaleOver the last two weeks, how often have you been bothered by any of the following problems ?Please tick the number to indicate your answerIf you have circled any of these problems, how diffcult have these problems made it for you to do your work, take care of things at home, or get along with other people ? Not difficult at all Somewhat difficult Very difficult Extremely difficult STOP-BANG Sleep Apnea QuestionnaireSTOPBANGTOTAL SCORE YesNo High risk of OSA: Yes 5 - 8 Intermediate risk of OSA: Yes 3 - 4 Low risk of OSA: Yes 0 - 2 Δ New Patient Packet: Medical History and Initial Visit Information Add Your Heading Text Here