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Vampire Facial

We all know about the routine facials and know it more so as a salon treatment, but what is a Vampire facial? Sounds scary? Relax, it isn’t as scary as it sounds, nor does it mean sucking blood at night..and the treatments are done any time of the day !!

Vampire facial got its name when celebrity Kim Kardashian posted a video of the treatment being done on her and called it Vampire facial. The treatment is actually called PRP (platelet rich plasma). It is done by dermatologists or plastic surgeons or aesthetic doctors in a clinical setting.

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It is component of one’s own blood separated by means of centrifuge machine. It is plasma rich in platelets. Platelets are our blood cells that produce growth factors which help in repair, cellular regeneration and collagen building.

PROCEDURE: The first step in PRP treatment involves drawing about 8 ml of your blood in special blood containers. These tubes are then placed in centrifuge machine to separate the plasma containing platelets. The doctor will then use a Microneedling device to create miniscule channels in your skin. (seems to be very painful?! Not really, as you will be earlier applied a numbing cream to reduce pain). This is then followed by slathering PRP on your skin and now it penetrates the skin well through the channels and works at a deeper level.

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PRP is recommended for following indications:

  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Acne scars
  • Chicken pox scars
  • Sun damaged skin
  • Brown pigmentation
  • Glow


Any person with known clotting or bleeding disorders should avoid this treatment.

SAFETY: PRP is an extremely safe procedure since your own blood is used for the treatment. The only complication could be a bruise at site of blood collection or PRP injections if at all, that too subsiding in a week’s time.

So, go ahead and meet your dermatologist to get rid of the scars, wrinkles and blemishes with the VAMPIRE FACIAL!!

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